Monday, January 4, 2016

Happy New Year!!

Buh-Bye 2015.
I'll miss you about as much as sour kraut and the stomach flu combined.
I had to be an adult and deal with stress and set backs and depression and all kinds of not pretty things and my brain was really only designed to handle cuteness and flowers.
Which is why...
2016 is going to be AWESOME!!
All that hard crap is OVER!
We are so close to getting into the new house.
I can taste it!
No really, I taste drywall dust 24/7 and it's fantastic!
It's the taste of dreams and sweet, sweet freedom!
My husband's dream garage is coming to life...

I've never been so excited for another human being.
He has worked so freaking hard and for the first 10 years of our marriage he just did whatever I told him and basically got nothing in return except pickles.
He never complained either.
Don't people like that just make you sick?!?
I mean, he asks me to hold a ladder for him for like five seconds while he does something that isn't for me and the sake of pretty and I'm like, "Ugh! I hate thissss! Whyyyyy???"
And by some miracle he doesn't choke me.
I know. Saint. Nick.
Anyway, even the first few days of 2016 have seemed like a blissful daydream compared to the disaster that was 2015.
We had our first fire and hung out in our lawn chairs.
Bailey likes playing with drywall mud.
It's just in her DNA.
Next time we're totally making s'mores and having wine!
I spent some time designing our foyer while hanging out at the new KDI office in my lawn chair and realized just how perfect the southwest light is going to be for our creativity.

Believe it or not, I had no idea that the box window would be raised and that it would equal a window seat. Unexpected bonus! Wooooo!!!
Our move in date is right around the corner.
Don't ask exactly when that date is because I have no idea, but I do know that as soon as I have a working toilet, some light bulbs, a hot plate, the internet, and maybe a railing on the staircase (safety. duh.), people better get out of the way as I single handedly shove my couch through the front door because I mean business!
I hear that 2016 is not only going to be great, it's also the year of the paint maniac.
Guess who is in charge of painting the entire house, all the windows, kitchen cabinets, stair balusters, risers, trim, and doors??
It's me.
And at times, also poor Megan.
I will pretty much look like this until 2017.
BUT I'm so looking forward to it!!
I hope your 2016 is off to an amazing start and that you'll follow along as we continue on this crazy home building adventure!!
Wishing you the very BEST for 2016!!

1 comment:

  1. Yay, happy for you and that you seem to have a husband like mine. We are lucky! Happy new year!


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