Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Meet the team!!

When I started my little design business back in 2011, I never thought that my life dream could be more than a hobby, let alone become large enough to support an office and a full-time employee. 
I didn't even really dare to dream!
Well, as if my clients and the great projects that have come my way are not blessings enough, when I asked a local design school to send me an intern, the only applicant ended up being the perfect one!
Miss Megan, a.k.a. "MEGGGGGANNNN!!"
After she volunteered for 75 hours, I couldn't let her go!
What started as a couple days a week, turned into five days a week and she feels like part of the family now.

Look at that pretty face!! 
Sometimes, I yell at her for being so damn photogenic.
I mean, it isn't fair.
Anyway, I seriously don't know how I ran this biz without her and somehow stayed sane.
Having a partner in crime makes the most tedious work seem fun!
Even when hand painting a Moroccan inlay design on mirror frames....

dab. dab. dab.

dab a lot. Then dab a lot more...until this happens...

This was the one single project that I heard her complain about.
The girl has worked through strep throat and fevers and didn't complain. She's basically a saint.
Sometimes, I even have to yell at her for never complaining because it makes me look like a big whiny baby.
I can't have that.
I know. I'm an excellent boss. You don't have to tell me.

We always work with our safety gear.....

..... because OSHA. duh.

Even if having a real employee is more expensive than my bakery and boot addiction, it's completely worth it!  At the end of the month when all the leftover money goes towards taxes and workman's comp insurance, it's all worth it to know that it's for the sake of making both of our dreams come true.
Not that I'm not over here not-so-secretly wishing that I was a thug boss that didn't care about following stupid employer/employee rules or anything because I totally am. I'm just not thug enough to break the rules.
I guess that since I do follow the rules, I am less likely to end up wearing an orange jumpsuit and having to decorate a jail cell with toilet paper rolls. I'll just have to focus on that because I can't even tell you how sad and lonely I would be if I didn't have Megan along on antiquing and flea market adventures. They just wouldn't be the same without having to cram Megan into the front seat.... that. Barely able to see around her.
Now, this trip in particular was a great success!
We spent hours at the Restoration Hardware Outlet testing out comfy dining chairs and deciding if we could use them as desk chairs where we could "accidentally" fall asleep after taco Tuesdays.
Now, Megan would never do that. NEVER. She never even looks tired.
I, on the other hand, look tired every day except Saturday and I have, as a matter of fact, fallen asleep at the office.... but only once! I may have snored a little too. I can do that though, I'm the boss!

Anyway, you may see some guest posts and appearances from Megan from time to time so you should all know who she is and where in the world she came from.

In other news, we have an official KDI mascot....

Sir Francis Arnold Dame
Instead of getting crepe paper one day, I got a puppy.
I don't know what happened.

He will also be making guest spot appearances on the blog from time to time.
Mostly to share his take on the use of plaids and skulls in decor and fashion...

He also works pretty hard..... sleeping...

...and staying fresh as a daisy!

He loves taking baths so much that he will nearly tear down the shower curtain to get in.
He takes his freshness very seriously.

Coming up next is some progress on the house and a kitchen makeover we are finishing up this week!

In the meantime, what was the craziest thing you ever brought home when you were supposed to be out shopping for something completely different?

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