Tuesday, December 23, 2014

It's The Thought That Counts...

I agree. 
I even take it one step further.
I think the "thought" should be wrapped around the entire gift giving experience.
Right down to the color of ribbon.

Exhausting, aren't I??
I can barely keep up with my own demands!!

Why does Christmas have to be red and green if you know the person's favorite color is pink or yellow??

I like to use craft paper with colored ribbon and cute tags no matter the season because I don't want to worry about storing 308 different types of wrapping paper under my bed.

That's just silly.

AND It may sound quite harsh, but if I'm not feeling it, I just don't do it.
I HATE when people stress out, rush around, and inevitably turn into monsters, only to give thoughtless gifts that are haphazardly thrown into a bag. 

Most times, this particular kind of thoughtless gifting offender will not even bother putting your name on your gift. I mean, for all you know, you were probably given the "emergency" gift that was stuffed under the tree for an unexpected guest.

Please. If that's you, for the love of Christmas, just don't bother. 
You can look like a thoughtless ass or you can just be honest and say, "Sorry....(insert your current life story) so.... uhhhh.....hang tight...Christmas could be in January..or February....not really sure..."

There isn't anything wrong with that, and if your friends and family have a problem with your reality, I strongly advise that you declare yourself a misfit and move yourself to the island of misfit toys.

(That's me in the middle.)

The thing about brutally honest people is that you can rarely be mad at them for simply stating the truth. 
In fact, most times, those very honest people are admired for their confidence and more importantly, in their confidence in you, and the fact that you WON'T hold their lack of obligatory gift giving against them. 

So, in this season of giving, I encourage a deeper look into your giving style and your expectations of other people's giving. 

Are your expectations in line with the spirit of giving or the spirit of receiving? 

Is it too much to take the time to really think about a person before you buy something for them?
If it is, maybe try again later.
No one really wants another flashlight or pocket knife or a Packers stocking that bad. 
(unless it was quite seriously on their list)

Maybe you know someone who LOVES old hardware...

What is going on in your giftees life?
 Maybe they need $$ to get through school or gas $$ to get from A to B. 
Are they having a tough time? Maybe paying medical bills?
Are they short on time and need help with an oil change or fixing their dryer ?

Are they usually alone doing puzzles and might just want someone to do a puzzle with?

Are they a couple of very opinionated designers/engineers who are currently building a house??

I don't know any of those people.

Thoughtfulness is key.

Collect your thoughts all year round and then gift giving isn't so stressful or so hard on the wallet come this time of year. It really makes it so much easier and basically gives you permission to shop any time of year!

Like I need one!?!?

I hope you all have a very Merry Christmas and receive the most thoughtful of gifts!

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